Why are you reading this?

Mar 09, 2008 18:08

Do you like that feeling when you walk outside after having been in a semi-lit room? Then you walk our into the blazing sun, and your pupils contract super fast, and when you go back into the room, the dark room, you can only see the barest outlines of things. I think that if I were a light bulb, this is how I would feel. I'm not sure I would like being a light bulb. For one thing, when they go out, people are either angry, sad or disappointed. I wouldn't want peole to be angry at me for dying. Or disappointed for that matter. Sad is certainly inevitable, for I am sure that someone is always sad when it comes to death.
Do you think that Hitler's friend's cried for him? Did he have friends?  I'll bet someone cried for him. I'm sure that people cried in relief, if anything.
I think that when I die, I wouldn't want people to mourn by only crying. I would want them to celebrate it. I'd want them to be foolish and make themselves look silly in front of the gravediggers. Ooh and they'd all wear hats with big plumes. Even the gravediggers.
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