SO Yesterday, Tina, tiff. jen, & me
all had ourselves a little adventure!! We all woke up early and met up at tina's house. From there, we got a ride to the Metro bus stop,- well,... the starbucks across the street anyway! LOL, "close enough!" right guys?!?!?
The bus took us all the way to the universal city metro station. We rode that baby all the way to santa monica, and then proceeded to get on about 5 more busses till we arrived at venice. It was the friggen longest trip of my life. And when you stop and think about it, we really did'nt go that far!!! lol. We did stop between bus rides to eat at Quisnos though, -So i cant really complain....I had the pastrami, ummmmm, (licks lips)..
Boy howdy! we're some foxy ladies!!!! Yesterday's Kickass time proved that!
Here: check it...
...Ima break-it-down:...
- Woke up at 8:30 took a shower & got dressed.
- Picked up jen, rolled on over to tina's & met up with tiff.
- took metro-link to santa monica, got on first bus.
- Got off bus, Got lost, ATE at Quiznos (while eating missed our bus.)
It was pretty pathetic.
Pathetic once more:
- We Made up different names, Countries, & Ethnicities, for ourselves. Along with a story of how we all met. To tell to people & see if they'd buy it...
Pathetic at it's worst:
- We ended up meeting no one, But continued to call one another by our fake names...
LOL, we're sooo hott sometimes! but all in all it was a great day. I had an amazing time, and got to bond with my girlies for the first time in a while. It was another great summertime memory i'll have to look back on & smile at.
God the summers ending so quikly!!! Im ganna miss my friends so much once we have to back to different schools....Im ganna be so alone!!!!
We better keep in touch, and stay close!!!