Title: Dance in the Dark, Chapter Four
Rating: NC-17 overall, this part not so much.
Note: Please note the rating and acknowledge that you are accepting full responsibility for reading this. You have been warned.
Pairing: Bellamy/Howard
Summary: Matthew Bellamy is a baker who's dragged on a blind date to a dance class where he meets Dominic Howard, the
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*happy dance*
I can't believe this is only chapter four! It seems like there's more of it--in a really good way.
But I’ve never felt this way about a woman, either.
Yepp, that maddening little wanker's done gone and gotten under your skin, Dommie boy. GO WITH IT. (And awww, poor thing!)
Yet here he was, battling emotions he’d never experienced before and all because of one tiny, aggravatingly beautiful man.
I love how you kept emphasizing how tiny Matt was ALL through this chapter. Oh, and that description is perfect.
...he’d resolved to try and approach this like an adult as opposed to a young man who’d just discovered his own dick.
*snort* How's that working out for you, Dom?
He looked so impossibly sweet that Dominic’s mouth went dry.
Matt does have those moments where he's incredibly cute and I hate them. ;)
I hope you're feeling better, too!
Matt does have those moments where he's incredibly cute and I hate them. ;)
*snort* I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels that way. Most of the time, when I find Matt cute I'm like "DAMMIT!" :P
Thank you so so much for your comment girl, you are way too sweet :D
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