I hate New York

Mar 04, 2010 11:37

I am so fucking tired of New York manners.  90% of the people are totally fucking rude for no goddamn reason other than living here in suck ass NY.  I have heard people say things to retail employees (like the chick at Starbucks or the person working the register at CVS), that you wouldn't fucking believe.  I heard this lady bitch for more than 5 minutes about her fucking Starbucks card to the barista like it's her fault this stupid hag didn't read the fine print on the card.  HOLY SHIT!  Another thing is the way people fucking drive.  Holy fucking shit.  They drive like maniacs to get where they're going and then once they get to the store/gas station/etc.  they fucking wander around like goddamn zombies.  I DON'T FUCKING GET IT.

new york can suck it

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