Well here I am 1/23...17 days after surgery on my sucky left knee and here's how it went. The surgery went fine and then after being scoped again, I was sent home with some really strong drugs (magnacet) and a great machine called an ICE BUDDY to constantly ice my knee with (best invention EVAR BTW). The ICE BUDDY broke the first night and the medical equipment company sent a guy out at like 2am to give me a new one. So I was progressing really nice on my recovery only using crutches for a few days, and then starting to walk around a bit. Then it happened. I woke up in such intense pain that I couldn't even move my knee at all. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced, even more than after the operation. I laid there weighing my options and decided that sobbing like a little girl was my best plan of action. Shinae heard me and gave me TWO magnacets which barely tempered the pain. We went back to the doctor the next day and I was told I have Cellulitis . Read about it
here . It was so swollen that my knee cap wasn't visible anymore and my knee resembled a rotten grapefruit. So they aspirated my knee. Which for you non-medical types is when they stick a needle the size of your pinky into the affected (or is it effected??) area and suck out all of the fluid causing the swelling. OK. So maaaybe the needle isn't that big but the syringe was the biggest fucking thing I have even seen. They ended up pulling out 60cc or 2oz. of fluid. YUMMY!! You're only supposed to have about 2cc of fluid in there normally. My kneecap was immediately visible again just like my knee had been deflated. The doc put me on some antibiotics and sent me home again. I went to the doc about 3 more times after that and was told to rest it A LOT and stay off of it as much as possible for a while. So like i started off saying, it's 1/23 and I'm still off of work until the 3rd of February. That's right boys and girls for those of you playing at home, that means I will have ended the first month of 009 only having worked ONE DAY IN JANUARY.