Apr 27, 2009 12:55
Recent twitter updates:
- 16:36 G'mornin. I'm up and drinking my coffee. Supposed to go help friends make rice crisies treats but that would mean putting clothes on... #
- 16:47 Karaoke tonight? Either will be empty cos college kids went home for summer or full cos it's the last chance to get drunk before home. #
- 17:38 Drinking coffee before doing my shot doesn't sound like the best plan. Crap, I need to get this thing done soon. Today's got to be the day. #
- 23:25 Not smoking at the bar is hard. Arg. I think I can. I think I can. #
- 23:40 If I can not smoke here I can do it anywhere. #
- 23:59 Of course had to come to karaoke on such a busy night. This WOULD be "smoke a half a pack while waiting for my turn" time. #
- 04:27 Why am I still awake? I need to leave in a few hours to start the bake sale! ARG! #
- 04:34 Studies show that sleep is essential for life. So I'm getting some. #
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