"my little pony quiz"(help me understand)

Jul 09, 2011 00:25

okay. i've watched the show(my sister loved it in the 1980's, and now it is a love affair with many furries). i remember my first encounter with "the new show." i went to my friend brittney's house, and her four year old little girl was watching it. i glanced at it, and decided; "how retarded." also, the ponies have all seemed to have developed stank attitudes...

fast forward to Anthrocon2011. PONIES EVERYWHERE! i had to pretend i loved the show just to be part of conversation at times. here's what i know: there are about five ponies on the show. buttercunt (the redneck cowgirl). pussyqueef (the fucked up head case). ok-so i'm not sure what the other annoying, assholes are called...

they are all female, so what do gay furs see in them? do they want to eat them out? (ewww) do they love the poppunk opening theme music(i admit, it's not "terrible"). what do they want???!?

here's an easy quiz to help you figure this out(my brony brothers). the quiz may help me understand too.(feel free to COPYPASTA it in the comment section. please? it's for all of our own good)...

question number one:
you love my little pony because:
A) it takes place in a magical land. unlike this dirt ball planet we call earth.
B) you want to stick an umbrella in the little, purple dragon dude's asshole...and open it up all the way(FAP)
C) the poppunk track in the beginning IS a LITTLE bit catchy.
D) you actually HATE the entire show/concept, but it is the "hip" thing to like(in the furry fandom).

question number two:
you call yourself a "brony" because:
A) you always wanted to be in the girl scouts, and "brony" is close to "brownie"
B) it is a mixture of "pony" and the term "bro" or "brah"
C) why the fuck am i still taking this quiz?
D) i don't call myself a "brony," cuz that would be conformity. everybody knows conformists are poseurs.

question number three:
how does this affect my life?
A) it doesn't. i'm already socially awkward/majorly autistic.
B) it's doesn't. i'm a furry(amirite? amirite??)
C) because now i have to get a second fursuit made of my favorite pony. (it'll set me back at least $3,000)

shit storm
