May 15, 2008 07:13
so i realized that i had to have money to go to the euro and got a second job... it looks like i won't be sleeping until i get home from my trip. i started bouncing last night at the grad... hee hee. so now i work Mon-Fri 8am-5pm and Wed-Sat 9pm-3am. Oh, and Mon, Tues, and Sun next week too- there's concerts. So that's 7 days a week. Plus a regular 40 hour a week job. I could potentially kill myself. i just have to keep remembering why i'm doing it.
in other news- boys are stupid. still. i kissed one and he's really cool and super cute and your prefect ca-grown surfer dude with a killer personality. but he's also pretty much exactly like the last surfer dude i tried to date... and i wanted to kill that guy after a few weeks. can i handle someone who isn't emotional and crazy?
i'm not sure... i don't think so.