Jul 01, 2004 20:25
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, in that ridonkulous movie we've all seen (and some of us own on DVD... I'm such a dork) sings "Just because my nose glows... why dont I fit in?"
I'm working pulling weeds in front of the Maintenece building yesterday and I'm thinking of this line over and over again. As I stuff more weeds in the bag, I look up to Tim and say, "I think of some funny things out here... like rudolph the red nosed reindeer, he keeps saying 'why dont I fit in?'... You've got a huge fuggin red nose!!! How the hell do you not stand out? I mean, I can understand Herby, all he wants is to be a dentist. But fuggin Rudy? His nose makes him look so high on crack, Kurt Cobain's got nothing on you!" Tim at this point was rolling on the floor with laughter, and I was laughing pretty hard too.
I went to the skatepark yesterday to talk to Bryan. Things worked out pretty well, and he apologized for the rash things he said, and he gave me a chance to rationally explain what was going on.
Not that much of what's going on makes sense rationally to many people... things get me a little confused sometimes. Times like that when I just go to what I am sure of, and I'm good.
I had a hard lemonade and then my dad poured half of one into my iced tea because I said the (not spiked) iced tea was too weak... so I had a nice alcoholic Arnold Palmer, and because I drank that pretty quickly with my meal (which was light), it compiled ontop of my quickly drunk first drink... a light buzz, of course, was the result. Not bad, I do enjoy the slight feeling of weightlessness every now and then.
That's been my day. How's yours been?