May 01, 2006 16:12
The problem they didn't see
Was the one beneath their protests:
The one they spoke against
And didn't even know it.
I signed the petition
For what underlay.
My signature of support
Was the evidence of betrayal.
It was catalogued and filed.
I was watched and recorded.
When the time was right,
They came.
He was homeless and foreign.
He was hungry and cold.
He asked me for money.
I sadly denied him
And passed him by.
I walked into the store,
I felt uneasy.
My heart bled for him,
My fellow man.
I left the store,
and I followed the man.
I stopped him at the corner,
And handed him a can.
I gave him some deli meat
and a small loaf of bread.
He smiled at me
And put a silver bracelt
Around my wrist.
The sting was brutal.
They took me away.
They gave me a hat.
They marched me to trial.
They marched me to prison.
They marched me in parade.
They marched me to a furnace.
Because I saw a better way.
H.R. 4437, the Boarder Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 was passed in the House of Representatives in December and is on its way through the Senate. It is a radical effort to remove illegal aliens from the United States by forcing anyone without legal documentation into detention and out of the country. This would include people seeking political asylum, victims of human trafficing and those escaping persecution and domestic abuse as well as those hated aliens who unfairly take American jobs away from American citizens. The law targets those aliens specifically, but will unfairly effect those victims and seekers of human rights.
One of the major provisions of this law is that anyone or any organization who "assists" any of these immigrants would be liable to criminal penalties and FIVE years in prision. This scared the shit out of me. I don't agree with illegal aliens, but I do support human rights. How long until handing money to an immigrant becomes a criminal offense? And what will be the punishment then?
I'm currently in a play called FAR AWAY by Caryl Churchill. It descibes the society I feel we might be falling into. One in which society is made to watch the trials every night of these so-called "criminals" and thereby are scared into submission to their oppressive governments. They are made to watch these "criminals" march in a parade, wearing a hat made especially for their execution, and then on to the firing squad and then the furnaces where they, hats and all, are burned.
I suggest you come see the show for yourself. Saturday, May 6th at 4:00p and Sunday, May 7th at 8:00pm in Studio B of the Fine Arts Building at Binghamton University. And if you, too, want to uphold Human Rights in the hope of a better way, then don't let HR 4437 pass. It's just the next step towards totalitarianism.