Oct 11, 2006 21:05
I was tagged by Bronwyn
10 Random Things in 10 Minutes
1. i bought nine dollar shoes today
2. backboarding on stairs suck
3. i bought a CMU drum major t shirt at st vincent depaul today for 75 cents
4. after years of people telling me i'd like them...i've finally started reading harry potter
5. whenever i learn about anuerisms i get really excited for some reason
6. i've discovered that i enjoy sudokus
7. when i went to get my physical at the health center for medic the nurse laughed at me cause my socks didn't match
8. when i was getting backboarded yesterday, biggs laughed at me cause my shoelaces didn't match
9. SONIC BOOM!!!! (long story)
10. cheap pork at glenn's rocks!!