Feb 04, 2008 15:09
I've been sick for the past week. It all started out as me just thinking everything was catching up to me. The 3 "jobs", 14-18 hour days kept busy with school and work and school work, and my weekends being occupied with just work(about 24-28 hours worth). In hindsight, I believe that all of the aforementioned may have weakened my immune system enough to allow my sickness to occur. Anywho, I don't get sick often, but when I do, its not pretty, or fun. This go round was pretty calm compared to the last. I started sleeping much more than normal and was still tired at the beginning of last week, then the scratchy throat sprang upon me, and finally a fever struck on Thursday that lasted until Saturday allowing me to reach the peak of my pathetic illness. During the fever, my voice was stolen from me by the late great Barry White, who deemed me worth of carrying his voice for a few days. I had fun with it. Alternating between the voice of a prepubescent boy and Barry White on whim never ceased to amaze me and humor most of those around me, especially at work. Often I was asked trivial questions just so others could hear which voice would come next. That got old fast and being that my energy was already drained by the fever, I put up little resistance and simply complied.
I'm getting better now. Still coughing and hacking up some beautiful phloem throughout the day. Life is returning to its normal pace and things are calming down once again. My ex of 4 months ago and I have reverted to our predating relationship status which in my mind is good. It just feels a bit weird for now. Work, at all the jobs, is going well in that bills are being paid and extra cash is being saved or spent wisely on frivolous exploits of self indulgence. As long as I can keep up with the school work I will be fine and hopefully everything else will fall into place. Here's hoping.