(no subject)

Mar 11, 2005 02:32

so pretty much disregard last night's post. i shouldn't be aloud to think when i am sooooo tired. i guess i was just paranoid about saying something about myself that no one else needed to know.

so i've mostly been putting boy bands on my iPod. i've just been in this mood for them. i dunno why. i am kinda sad i couldnt' get tix to see the backstreet boys but what can i do? i figured i can go stalk them for a while outside of avalon then go next door to embassy and make out with girls. i do need to get to that club. joy wanted me to go last night but i wasn't prepared to go out at all. so i'm gonna hit up 313 next week and embassy the week after...maybe...i think i'm just making plans with myself.

so my back has been friggen hurting, well so have my neck and shoulders but at least i know what that is from. with my back it's sort of this twinge to the left of my spine in the thoracic region. anyone know what that is...or wants to rub my back to make it feel better?

So i'm about to be all OCD cuz i always get a metro in the morning but since i stayed at J's last night i forgot about getting one. i always do the crossword (well do what i can then cheat on the rest of it with oneacross.com) i'm just really freaking out cuz i went out of my normal routine and forgot a freakin metro. ahhhhhhh. there are just certain things i NEED to do everyday.

so yesterday my already f*ing fat ego was boosted that much more cuz jen told me something that made me feel, well i think it would be wierd to feel good or proud of it, but it is a good thing. then she went and told someone something i didn't think she should. like i understand why she said it, she just didn't need to.

i really like my job...no the whole sitting in the basement and typing the same thing a million times everyday, but i like that the work is independent and i am able to think alot. thinking is usually bad alot of the time, but not when i'm here. i actually sort alot of things out in my head.

yesterday my hair was doing a fauxhawk thing and i don't know if i like it or if it looks good. i didn't have any product in it and i don't know if that would make much of a difference. if you saw it and liked it you should definitely let me know. i like feedback. you can even tell me i'm a gross ugly whore if you want...lol

ok here is something random...i feel like i could be one of those people from "the ring" that watched the tape. when i get bored i will sit at my desk and just scribble on paper. like i colored multiple pieces of paper BLACK today. how creepy is that of me. i just seem to get in this trance and start coloring. there must me some sort of psychological reasoning for me doing that. there are so many other productive things i could do with my time...oh well what can ya do.

the nubilaga meeting yesterday wasn't as interesting as i thought it would be but it was cool going out after. i really don't hang out with everyone enough. it was always that i was in a relationship and always spent time with just that person. i like this whole being on my own thing. it really is working out for the best, i have the freedom i need, and well i get everything else i need/want too.

aight that's it for now...later days.
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