Challenge 14: Bad Boy, Bad Girl

Feb 10, 2012 05:14

Our show has THE GREATEST heroes who we love dearly! But let's face it, our villains are pretty awesome as well, right?!

What to do:
- Create a villain for an upcoming episode of Fringe.
- You will need to cast an actor/actress to play the role, and give your villain a name.
- You need to submit a 6 image picspam & a teaser for the episode they are going to appear in.
- Submit to your team thread

- 40 points.
- 1 point for your sigtag.
- Additional points available after voting.

Due Date: Wednesday 22nd February 11PM NY Time

Here is my crappy example:

Jackson Noble
When a recluse scientist who has been working on time travel since the early 1970’s finally succeeds, both universes start to experience “time disturbance”. Differences must again be put aside in order to stop him, before both universes revert back to 1973.

writing, event six, challenge 14, graphics

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