i haven't written in this thing in forever.
or is it wrote? i dont even know. but im definately up at 3:31 am.
im going to miss stephen jordan. and his sister chelsea is really great too.
i hate having like 20 new books and trying to read them all at once. but its hard to read one at a time.
but life is really awesome.
2007 is going reallllllllllllllly wonderful so far. i mean, really.
i spent the first 2 hours praying with these lovely men.
even though we all look really screwed up in this picture because my flash is screwed up.
and i spent the first day chillin.
and the second day with some of the most amazing people ever.
you know, stephie b , jake v, stephen j. we were to stephens bible study and i liked it. i learned a little.
but this year's motto for me shall be : "Continue in prayer." -colossians 4:2
i miss neill brown.