Title: Life's a Joke
Fandom: Batman (not the movies)
Rating: as kid safe as the cartoons.
Pairing: implied Joker/Harley Quinn
Warnings: well... it's the Joker.
Summary: He needed smarter henchmen...
The Joker was stuck. Batman had him cornered, which was becoming far to common an occurrence for the felon's liking, and his henchmen were all tied up. He'd have to get new ones, better ones, smarter ones. That was a tricky one though. Finding an intelligent person who would be willing to follow, and not just follow, but follow him.
“This is where you give up Joker. You're not getting away tonight,” said the Batman.
Joker growled and ground his yellow teeth together. He hated it, but for now the costumed vigilante was right. He wasn't getting out of this one, not this time.
Three weeks later, he couldn't believe his luck. The court had ruled him insane, which wasn't much of a surprise, but the state was paying for him to see a psychologist. If ever there was an opportunity that knocked and yelled and demanded of him to open the door, this was it. The woman was beautiful, and just a little depressed herself when she was assigned his case. It didn't take much to get her into that gorgeous, form-fitting harlequin costume and having a good time with him, his way. She was really getting into it before Batman showed up again. Still, this time, together, they managed to escape him, and he finally had a follower who was smart. That she was even more sexy than he was crazy was a definite bonus.
Title: Surprises from Grandfather
Fandom: Discworld
Rating: safe
Pairing: none
Warning: death?
Summary: Surprises from her grandfather usually weren't good ones. He didn't really understand humans, however much he tried. This one though... Susan wasn't sure what to think.
Susan raised an eyebrow at the gift on her desk. It was from her grandfather, and gifts from him were rarely the sort of thing she was able to appreciate on any level beyond that he had tried, largely because he also usually failed terribly.
Still, it would be better to open it now and have time to hide it rather than leave it there for her class to see. Bracing herself for an indecipherable thing she wouldn't have a use for even if she understood it, Susan picked up the package and tentatively opened it.
This, this, was something she had most definitely not expected. It was probably against the rules as well.
It was her hourglass. She knew it was hers because it had Susan Sto Helit engraved around the bulbs of the glass and burned into the wooden holder. There was no sand in it however. No visible trickling of time through the pinch in the middle. There was a gentle blue glow circling up and down... no, there was sand in it. Just one grain. A single grain of sand, hovering in the middle of the pinch between the glass, suspended by the blue glow and never falling into the lower bulb.
There was a small note attached, and she recognised her grandfather's very proper but slightly gothic handwriting. It had only eight words on it.
Days march shan't touch you. Neither can I.
Susan blinked. So... looking between the note and her life timer, Susan had to wonder to herself how, exactly, this had happened.