Sometimes, we need a little help remembering how much there is to appreciate in our lives. An easy way to expand appreciativeness is by trying to be as inclusive as possible in our offering of thanks for our food and water. Some folks say grace as a religious duty and others say it out of tradition. In any case, saying grace before a meal helps to remind us of the important, and often overlooked, connections in our lives.
Be as specific as possible in offering thanks for everyone/everything connected to your meal. The more elaborate the meal, the longer this process will take. For each ingredient, think of all who were involved in getting that to you. This process includes the planters, pollinators, tenders, shepherds and harvesters, those involved in packaging, shipping, stocking and selling, as well as the cook, the servers and the clean-up crew, in addition to business owners and managers. You can extend this process to the very elements, the divine, however far you can reach with your imagination. The idea is to simply be aware of how many are involved in providing for your feast and to be grateful for them.