The Movement That Connects Me to You
Author: kerithwyn
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Astrid Farnsworth/Lincoln Lee
Notes: Sequel to "The Music that Connects Me to You"
Summary: Astrid makes her move.
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AO3 (whole fic)
Out of My Skin
Author: kerithwyn
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alternate Olivia Dunham/Alternate Charlie Francis/Alternate Lincoln Lee/Alternate Frank Stanton
Notes: An AU scene for elfin's
Pack 'verse.
Summary: Liv had never expected a heat to feel like this.
AO3 Lock the World Outside
Author: kerithwyn
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lincoln Lee/Alternate Lincoln Lee
Summary: Captain Lee needs distraction. Lincoln provides it.
AO3 Better Than I Know Myself
Author: kerithwyn
Rating: Gen
Characters: Astrid Farnsworth, Peter Bishop
Summary: After the forestalled apocalypse, Astrid reflects.
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