Welcome to the Comeback Challenge of Round 5.
This means, the people who are still in the round get to take a break. This challenge is only for the people who were disqualified or eliminated during the round, and get a chance to get back in! This is your own choice of course. If you don't want to get back in, then don't participate. ;)
- The community rules are located here.
- You may only use the provided pictures.
- Textures, brushes, text are allowed.
- Other images and/or stock images are NOT allowed.
- Blending is allowed.
- Animations are not allowed for this challenge.
- You have to submit ONE icon (please check out the rules for submission guidelines!).
- All comments are screened.
- Do not post your icons anywhere else until the results are published.
- Entries are due Thursday, September 15th - 11:59PM PST Pacific Standard Time
Special Rules:
There are no screencaps provided this time, so you'll be allowed to use ANY picture you like (this includes promo pictures).
tiah15 09.
anivad 10.
sterre 11.
keypike 12.
soundspie 13.
rowofstars 14.
velvetmemory 15.
shinylunarsea 16.