Challenge Eighteen: Episode 117 “Bad Dreams”

Jun 14, 2011 06:00

Here we go again!

Challenge Eighteen: Episode 117 “Bad Dreams”

Please enter your icons by
Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 11:00:00 PM (Los Angeles time), thank you!
[ {{View the Countdown Clock}}]

Episode 117 Synopsis:
In a series of strange dreams, Olivia witnesses the very real deaths of people she never met. The team investigates and Olivia discovers their suspect has a connection to Walter, the drug called Cortexiphan and her own childhood.

Challenge Specifics:

You may enter up to 6 icons.
Please use a different image/cap on each icon. No repeats or variations. Blending/combining of images is OK only they must be not be repeats from your other entries.

Rules Reminder:

Before entering you must join/watch the community.
Please read the rules on community profile.
You may use textures, brushes, text etc.
No other images from Fringe or any media except for the ones provided or linked to in this entry will be allowed.

You may use the screen caps I posted below (from Daydreaming) and/or you may use this huge Blu-Ray cap gallery from fading_tomorrow.

The Blu-Ray caps are also available as zip files {here}.
Please only use images from episode 117.

div style="display:inline; color:#00CCCC;">HD-TV screen caps thanks to Daydreamingnet.

38 Screen Captures in this album (Clicking on the thumbnails will open the album.) Must be logged in to view.

Direct link to challenge album:

Have fun!

Attention: Please upload your icons to a web host the gives anonymous URL names so that entry makers cannot be guessed via link names. This means no Photobucket accounts because the links always contain the same username. Thank you! Some anonymous hosts that allow direct links are,,

Entrants: 02 Icons: 12

episode 117

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