Fanfiction, because I'm done with pulsars for today

Aug 10, 2007 16:26

Stolen from fellow fanfic lover, Meryl.

1. Why do you write fanfiction? What made you start?
I write because I enjoy writing. I started when I was ten or so, I would write long and complicated stories with a lot of angst in numerous notebooks. I started posting online because I might as well share what I've been working on, if it's not half bad.

2. Slash, Het, or Gen?
I tend to leave romance out entirely, except for Doctor Who. Then I write it all. Rose/Ten/Jack and any variations upon it are all likely in the show and each is fun to write.

3. What fandoms do you write in?
Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Andromeda, Star Wars, and Stagate Atlantis.

4. What fandoms do you read in?
Same that I write in.

5. What's the worst story you've ever written?
Oh, man. Probably a Doctor Who fic I recently started, "The Infinite Corridor." I thought it would be cool for the Doctor to visit MIT. What a mistake. I would abandon it, and indeed I haven't updated for a while, but I seem to have a lot of people reviewing and adding it to their favourites, so I don't know what to do.

6. What writers are your inspiration?
In fanfiction, b7-kerravon and Sensibly Tainted are pretty inspiring. With actual, published works, though, Bill Bryson is my inspiration in all things. He's not a fiction author, but still.

7. WIPs or completed stories only?
I have four WIPs right now, and a handful of completed one-shots. I'm a bad person.
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