I say, that was one nasty little epidemic. And you, you think it clever not to keep to bottles and packaged comestibles? Certainly, then, I had been proven a fool, remaining in the company of some charming ladies, keeping to ourselves for, oh, nearly a week now...?
Ha. Although I have kept up with your reports... I'm only vaguely bored, I'm impressed to claim.
The champagne kept such sanity about me, as well....
[filtered to Cain Hargreaves]
And you're certainly on the trail, no? I shouldn't be surprised with the introduction of a familiar tincture of green.
In possession of:
- two and a half magnums champagne
- one bottle absinthe
- fifteen fair ladies at my beck and call
- minimal coin
- an angered Earl
In need of:
- four magnums champagne
- three bottles absinthe
- tincture of opiates
- aqua regia
- discussion with one of the Hargreaveses
Merde, intricate webs....