Title: An Education
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Pansy/Romilda
Summary: There are some things Muggles do better than Wizards. Namely: Fashion.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2, 142
Author's Notes: Lyrics from Lady Gaga's 'Fashion'. Set in the 'redo' year, or 8th year for Harry's yearmates (Romilda is 17, Pansy is 18). Written for
shellydkitty for the 2010 round of
hp_yule_balls. Many thanks to
heather for the beta and advice!
J'adore Vivienne, La Vie et Moi.
Gucci, Fendi, et Prada.
Valentino, Armani too.
Merde, I love them Jimmy Choo.