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Jul 06, 2006 10:11

pedostache \peh-doh-stache, noun;
plural pedostaches \-staches\:
1. A form of facial that makes the wearer look like a pedophile or creep.
2. A hipster form of self-expression that makes the wearer look like a pedophile or creep.

Wow - that pedostache makes him look like a 1980s workout guru who'd hide outside my house and take pictures while I change.
-- Mark Royden Winchell, Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of Modern Criticism

He looks like a professional wrestler from the 1980s with that pedostache. Strictly a jobber, too.
-- Mark Caldwell, A Short History of Rudeness

Charles I's court represented the English apotheosis of this Renaissance ideal of kingship. His pedostache, however, blew.
-- John Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination

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