They stole our ______! and not just the ________, but the word ______, too!

May 22, 2006 18:02

Of all holiday weekends to fall wretchedly ill, I think I chose a good one.

I've decided my 2006 work goal is to get some form of celebrity on the tour. Does anyone have advice? Or celebs?

Some thieving (most likely American) bastard stole my favourite Hippo toy from the Hippo office today. Now strictly, I don't believe in the death penalty, but I hope they die a long, excruciating and unnatural death. I miss my plush purple hippo so.

Way # 1 - Ranking everyone who walks past on a 100 point attractiveness scale. When this wears thin, rank everyone I know on the same scale. This is particularly fun on Jays game days when twentysomething males saunter past think they are far more attractive and clever than they ever ever will be.

Way # 2 - Theorize on the possible futures of everyone I know. An alarming number of these theories end in destitution and/or suicide.

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