It's winter already?

Dec 05, 2006 18:26

Listening to: Nelly Furtado - Do It

  • I've been away from posting online that I've basically become a non-entity in the Internet world. All I use my computer for now is to do homework and check e-mail. I think this comes from six years doing nothing but talking online and web designing and surfing the web that I feel like I need to make up for lost time and go out and be more social or whatever.
  • My birthday was in November. I turned 20. It really doesn't feel all that different from 19, except now my parents start their lectures with, "You're 20 now, you need to be more responsible," instead of "You're [enter previous age here] now, you need to be more responsible." My 20th birthday was fairly mellow. None of that huge-birthday-bash-at-a-club stuff, which I've never really been interested in in the first place (and I probably don't even know enough people to have a huge birthday bash at a club). I spent it with my best friends: the boy, Tobi, and Janetta. I spent the day lounging (a.k.a. sexing) with the boy and then we met up with the girls and had Japanese buffet for dinner and then just chilled at my house with a movie. For some reason, birthday presents aren't a huge deal to me anymore, but I did get a bunch of cash, along with a bottle of Guess Eau de Parfum (my new favourite scent) from Janetta, The L Word: The Complete Third Season on DVD from Tobi, and the new LG Chocolate cell phone in white from my brother after I accidentally dropped my Motorola Razr in a cup of orange juice (don't ask).
  • School, as it always has, is currently sucking. But it's sucking even more right now because there is a huge chance of me failing and getting suspended this semester. I don't know whether to be completely devestated or totally happy about this. On one end, I just wasted the last two-and-a-half years, I won't be getting my degree on time (if at all), and $15,000 worth of my parents' money in tuition fees and textbooks will have gone down the drain with nothing to show for it. And did I mention how ridiculously disappointed my parents will be, especially since my brother is King of the Nerds, has a 3.8 GPA, is graduating this coming May, and already has a job that comes with a six-digit annual income lined up for him in September? On the flip side, I will not have to deal with homework, assignments, exams, and other insufferable aspects of university for the year (that is, if I decide to go back to school in the fall). To be honest, the idea of not going to school (as I have for the last seventeen years) sounds completely, utterly fantastic right now, and it shames me to even admit it on the Internet.
  • Should my suspension happen, I will spend the next year working full-time and attempting to actually save money. Those who know me will know that I have a Visa abuse problem. I am still paying that fucker off (you don't even want to know how much I spent in the past two months). As a result, I am picking up more shifts which will start after finals (which, for me, is December 11). I am even working on Christmas, because hello, double time and a half. I guess there is a perk of not celebrating Christmas. That, and I don't have to spend that day with my family.
  • The boy and I have hit several rough patches lately. I think this has to do with the fact that he is working full-time hours at his job now, and I don't really spend time with him anymore, and I have all this added stress from school, money, and my family. My parents have now given me a curfew as punishment for lying to them (several times). So, from Sunday to Thursday, I have to be home by midnight, and on Fridays and Saturdays, I have to be home by 2:00 AM. It doesn't sound that bad, except for the fact that I am a night person, and midnight for me is like the afternoon for other people. (And did I mention that I am twenty?) Plus, the boy doesn't get off until 11:30 PM when he works Sunday to Thursday, and at 1:30 AM on Friday and Saturday. That means that if I want to see him on a day he is working, I can only see him for about half an hour, an hour tops. And since it's late at night, it's not like we can really do anything. And because we are both stressed, we just get into arguments about random things. We are both convinced that moving out would be the solution to this ever-growing problem. Which leads to my ever-growing spending problem, because at this rate, I am never going to be able to move out of the house.
  • I sincerely hope 2007 is going to be better. My resolutions include: saving at least $200 a month, quitting smoking, losing another ten pounds, being a better family member, being less stressed, being more optimistic, and arguing less with the boy and not getting on his case for stupid things (a.k.a. being less of a bitch). I'm hoping that I'll follow through with at least two of those. That is, if I don't add more resolutions by New Year's.
  • Now I have to go study, even though there may be no point, since I am probably doomed this semester.
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