random pubmed publication: pubmed ID 1234567
The effect of castration and peroral estrogen therapy on some psychological functions.
Rauramo, L.; Lagerspetz, K.; Engblom, P.; Punnonen, R.
Front Horm Res (1975) Vol 3, pp 94-104
Abstract | Full text |
PubMed | Imported
Front Horm Res: Frontiers of Hormonal Research. Unfortunately, no abstract is available. I'd love to know the details.
update from
tonearm :
Psychological tests were conducted on menopausal women, ovariectomized women, and women receiving estrogen replacement therapy. There were no differences in cognitive and attention variables between those subjects receiving estrogens and those who were not. However, those not receiving estrogens felt that their memory, attention, and ability to concentrate was impaired to a greater degree than reported by those receiving therapy. The ovariectomized group showed the greatest d ecline in feeling of "well-being." It is concluded that sufficient amounts of estrogen positively influence the mood state of the woman, in general.