Jan 17, 2011 11:56

Barista-Isn't it great that Martin Luther King Jr's dream came true?
Me-I was just thinking about that.  I wonder what everyone is talking about.
Barista-Probably the latest iPhone app.
Me-I am so glad you said something because I was beginning to think I was a little uptight today.
Barista-No.  You're good.  I'm sure all Martin wanted was honkies eating $12 eggs on a day off.

Today I work because crisis intervention doesn't take vacation.  I usually go and pick up some food at a little place across the street and I've become friendly with the folks that work there.

Today is MLK day and a lot of working folks have the day off in observance of his struggle, leadership and activism.  He was born today in 1929, killed in 1968 and MLK was made a national holiday in 1986.

At the place where I got my food there were tons of families and people with shiny collars and puffy jackets that probably had the day off.  I started imagining myself making an announcement to the whole restaurant about why they are not at work today and what that meant today.  Also, I think I was in a weird mood to begin with but when the barista said to me what I had been thinking, I figured I didn't need to make a display.
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