Sep 22, 2006 03:30
Things are going pretty well. I got a "new" car. It's a 95 Passat... pretty nice compared to my previous vehicle. I passed the Grammar Proficiency Test i needed to take in order to apply to the journalism program. Next is to get in, hopefully. Also, I'm taking a mini-vacation up to Tally, this weekend, to see Laura. Looking forward to that!
After buying my car, i still have a good amount of money saved up. I'm on the fence about what i should do with it.... I would really love to travel somewhere this winter break. Maybe to Europe or some cool cities here in the States. I might even study abroad for French, this summer, in Quebec. Then i think i should just keep saving and not do anything with it until i need it to move or something in a few years. That would be the [smart/responsible?] thing to do, plan for the future, rather than blow it all on a few trips for no reason. But where's the fun in that, right?