Feb 18, 2012 23:31
So because I'm a hopeless nerd who loves to agonize over fine details that barely have any significance beyond a few words in a story, I'm in the middle of working out a floor map of Peter's penthouse. I like to keep things consistent, and figured it would help to write scenes in the penthouse if I actually have an idea of where everything is. Also, I just like drawing maps. I'm planning to post it up here when it's done, so that anyone else who'd like to may use it, but at the moment, I'm trying to work out a few problems with it. Feel free to either ignore me or mock me for overthinking all of this, but otherwise, I was hoping some of you guys might also be big enough geeks to help me out with it.
We only see a couple of the rooms in the film, which by the way, is a total pain in the ass because as I'm trying to map it out on paper, the dimensions of each room do not match up at all. Probably because the set was built in several pieces, rather than one cohesive apartment complex. Anyways, I'm having to make up some parts of the flat, and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for different rooms that they may have incorporated into their headcanon as part of Peter's home?
I'm including a library at the very least, and it'll need the standard kitchen and bathrooms and whatnot. Any requests for anything specific? Music room? entertainment room? Magic practice room? Maybe one of those kinds of rooms super rich people have for no other reason than that they can and never even use or even know what it's for? If you can picture it, I'll add it to the map. My only requirement is to make it actually viable, please. I'm not just going to draw in like... his own circus ring, or private indoor Olympic sized swimming pool. Let's not make it too ridiculous. It is, first and foremost, a suite in the Hard Rock Hotel, so, swanky as it is, it can't have just anything and everything. Oh, suppose I should mention, I have also been looking at the website for the actual Hard Rock, since they have floor plans for their larger penthouse suites, but I can't find any that really match Peter's.
New rooms aside, we know from what was shown onscreen that there are at least three collection halls, one of which has a staircase that apparently heads all the way downstairs to the kitchen for the nightclub. There's the great room, and the panic room, and then there's Peter's bedroom.
There's another problem there - the bedroom. When they are in the great room, we can see what is clearly a partition, and not a wall, behind Charley's usual chair. It doesn't meet the walls or ceiling on any side, and you can see the rest of the room beyond that. As near as I can tell, on the other side of that partition is supposed to be Peter's and Ginger's bedroom. Except that doesn't quite make sense because then when Peter is talking with Amy and Charley and Ginger's watching her show, they should be able to hear the TV from the great room, and their conversation would probably be drowning out the show for her and driving her mad. So I'm wondering if there is a door in the wall back there that leads to the actual bedroom. Any thoughts there?
Also, if you look beyond that partition, on the right hand wall there is a door, which should lead to the collection hall where Charley killed Ed, but there is no corresponding door in that collection hall, so I'm assuming it leads to the rest of the apartment. Again, your thoughts appreciated.
I think that's everything so far... like I said, feel free to ignore, mock, or toss in your thoughts at your leisure.