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-Isms for the casual user
Sep 13, 2010 17:10
Awesome post by
, via
another librarian asked, "Why do we give them* so many allowances when the real world isn't like that?" to a general round of muttered, half-ashamed agreement. Being too terrified in groups to gather my thoughts well, and too afraid I would scream at them for being so god-damned entitled, I refrained then from saying the obvious: that the unfairness in the world is created by humans, and that it's humans' job to rectify it. That school is "the real world." That every moment we live is "the real world." There is no practice round. That the law says everyone needs to be accommodated in the workplace as well as school. That just because others are vicious bullies doesn't mean we need to be that way too. That people with disabilities are human beings. That the speaker, and the people nodding and clucking in agreement, might find themselves mentally ill or physically disabled any day. That disability is not a moral failure.
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