Child abuse/FGM/medical abuse triggers

Jun 20, 2010 07:34

Short version: paediatric urologist at Cornell University conducted (conducting? Timeframe is unclear) FGM on intersex infants with follow-ups that amount to sexual abuse. Please complain to the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance at

So this has been all over the queer and feminist internet, and the silence from mainstream news sites has been deafening. In 2007, Dr Poppas and his colleagues published an article in the Journal of Urology detailing how he'd cut down the clitorises of intersex children and stimulated them with a vibrator to check for sensitivity afterwards.

If you're currently wincing and crossing your legs, you're not the only one.

1. Leave the intersex kids' genitals the hell alone. She's gonna need that clit later, and she can decide for herself when she's old enough. Risk/benefit-wise, this is a no-brainer: nobody ever died of a big clit, but quite a few people die during routine surgery. General rule: if you're cutting someone's genitals without their consent, You're Doing It Wrong and you need to fucking stop that shit right now. And if the parents would rather have their kid undergo genital surgery than look a bit unusual, well, call social services and get those kids taken away.

2. Um, hello, frigging SEXUAL ABUSE?!?!?!?!?!?! I must've missed all those articles on how people totally don't develop PTSD if the person touching them has 'MD' after his name. That apparently makes it JUST FUCKING FINE.

human rights, gender trouble, why don't you do something?, oh look at the state of that, linkage, power and privilege, hairylegged manhating etc

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