Sep 01, 2009 13:27
This morning was crazy. Meghan and I had to get our TB tests and she had to get a physical. We had the world's slowest elderly doctor (though he was so incredibly nice) and that threw us off our schedule making us about 20 minutes late for our dental appointments. Meg and Maddie are doing well. The dentist saw the beginning of wigglies in Maddie's mouth (YAY!). Meghan's teeth are strong, white as shit and healthy. I do really love having kids that enjoy going to the dentist. I can't imagine having to drag them there kicking and screaming.
My three remaining wisdom teeth are stable. One of them came in years ago and if I had been able to get back there and floss I would have been able to keep it. Alas, the space was too small and it started to decalcify the tooth next to it. Out it came. My remaining wisdom teeth are still there. None of them would be impacted if they came in. There's plenty of room, though they show no signs of movement. The dentist said I am one of the vast, VAST minority of people that at my age have their wisdom teeth still in their gums and having zero issues. Now everyone knows my "smart" secret. ;)
I've got a load of laundry to fold from ECT. I'm going to straighten up and then take a nap. I have an ethics class tonight and my main essay is about simple pleasures that make life more spiritual and meaningful...sort of like how it feels to produce your own food, beekeeping, sewing, etc.
OK. Off to work/sleep. I've worked it out. School reading is going to be a snap. I have a good amount of time for pleasure reading. There is a book on Jewish tales of the supernatural to dig into. It has the "Corpse Bride" story in it (it's called The Finger).