Jul 10, 2006 11:35
Went to see Pirates yesterday. Don't worry, no spoilers here. It was pretty good, however, not nearly as good as the first one. For anyone familiar with the movie Amadeus, it had "too many notes". There were just a few too many plot lines going on at the same time. Not that I couldn't follow them all (I'm not that dim), but a simpler story and far, far more humor would have been better. It really wasn't as funny as the first one. It was, actually, a bit on the dark side. Don't let my review stop you from going to see it, however. It was still a great and fun movie to see.
I figure it this way, movie number "2" in ANY trilogy is always the one that sucks. There is a rare occassion where it's good, but generally it's the weakest movie. Movie "1" is introducing characters and movie "3" is wrapping up the action and story line. Movie "2" is usually blah. Cases in point: Empire Strikes Back...while probably the best "acted" of the three, it was sort of boring. Attack of the Clones...definately weaker than Phantom and Sith. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom...just plain sucked. Short Round? Give me a break. Two Towers...what they did to Faramir was tragic. While NONE of the LOTR movies were bad, with the exception of The Battle of Helms Deep, this one was the weakest and wherein Jackson screwed around with Tolkien the most. I know Harry Potter isn't a trilogy, but Chamber of Secrets (no. 2) was the weakest so far. Alright, Jurassic Park 2 AND 3 sucked. Got me there. Hannibal sucked REALLY bad. Silence and Red Dragon were both good. Matrix Reloaded was the worst of the three. Do I lie?
OK, I do digress on a few points. Godfather II rocked (III sucked). Terminator II rocked. I'm not even going to get into the "odds" versus "evens" in the Star Trek movies.
I think this post truly shows just how much of a geek I truly am.