May 04, 2010 03:43
I figured I should probably have at least ONE journal entry here, since I've had this account for, what, a year? Two years? And I decided this would be a good time to start, since I just had a FANTASTIC-DESU time the past week or two.
In no particular order, because there's been so much happiness and fantastic stuff that's blurring together in one big conglomeration of GNEE!:
-birthday! at the end of April, spent at Leah and Dan's place! They gave me the neatest Japanese candies EVER, including Cherryboy (making fun of Playboy, I guess?) and corn-flavoured (WTF, GUYS) hard candies, green hair dye (just the colour I needed for cosplaying Lussuria this summer, hah!), an adorable little AtLA poster and a ton of other awesome goodies. They took me out for sushi and takoyaki (awesome, awesome), and I got to see my mom and aunt (who took us out to dinner another day, awesome again) and my dad and his dogs (who gave us girls some equally-awesome girly soaps and the like).
-Me, Leah and Dan went to the Calgary Comic Expo/ComicCon, I spent about $150 on silly posters and comic books and pens and prints and crap, Dan got to meet his manga hero, I got to give Plushie Richards from LFG to my friends, etc, etc.
-I got to see HTTYD in 3D! Again! 8//D There are no words for how much I am in love with that movie, and I will never admit that I was clutching my tiny McDonalds and Toys 'R Us Toothless and Hiccup toys the entire time... or how I nearly bawled through most of it. SHUT UP DON'T JUDGE ME.
-I finally managed to snag the big version of Toothless from Toys 'R Us, hoorah! He looks pretty insane, and he's unfortunately not as interesting as the Deadly Nadder I bought earlier (pfft, pictures someday?), but FUNK THAT IT'S TOOTHLESS AND I LOVE HIM. This and the movie have gotten me excited to sew some new projects I've been thinking about for a little while now, as well as some new ideas, which I am SUPER-excited for. Can't wait to get started, but if I'll have to pace myself. Ugh.
-I tend to go through drawing droughts/floods, and I've been up late the past few nights working on some stuff I actually really enjoy! Next step is finally updating/trashing most of my DA, and submitting some massive sketch dumps from the past few years- as well as biting the bullet and either posting a ton of unfinished works, or actually finishing them at some point. Whatever.
-Sushi again, a birthday present from my roomates. B'AWWW
-Sushi AGAIN, from an awesome friend! <3
-Finally cramming a bunch of wonderful art on my walls, something I've wanted to do for almost a year- the taupe walls are starting to get to me. >n< A P3 silk poster of Minato and Thanatos (oooh~), AtLA, Stormhawks (STOP JUDGING ME), Kingdom Hearts, HTTYD, and a bunch of tiny prints from Calgary Comic Con are pretty much surrounding my bed, which makes me a happy little claustrophobic. <3
-New shoes! Just a couple of cheap sneakers from Stitches, but I love them in all their preppy-knockoff lameness.
-Got to see a couple of friends from the good ol' days of pre-university! It's super-lame that we go to the same university RIGHT NOW but hardly ever get to see each other, but we try real hard around our birthdays and Christmas, so it's okay. <3
-Gonna go see HTTYD again this week before it leaves theatres, I don't think I can get tired of that movie. So much love for the characters and their fantastically stupid happy-faces. 8//D
-I tried to dye my hair (bleached mohawk) to a nice dark blue and green, and it ended up fading to my roots in this weird, hippy-oceanesqe pattern. I'll roll with it, sure. xD Whenever I colour my hair, it ends up strengthening it and everything, since the bleached mohawk bit gets pretty stressed and frazzled- so I can deal with this. Plus it turned out surprisingly okay, haha.
-FF: Dissidia and The World Ends With You arrived in the mail! I've been wanting to play them ever since they came out, so getting them both within a few days is pretty awesome. TWEWY is SO much fun, and I'm finding Tidus to be my perfect little battle counterpart; he does everything I want to do in battle in every game I ever play (slice-and-dice guerrilla attacks and run awaaaaay), so I'd say it's pretty much awesome-sauce right there. I can't wait to see what the other characters' styles are like, but I think I'll find them a butt-load harder to deal with. >:\
-Also got a PS3! With FF13, Infamous, and Assassins' Creed. I'd love to play them, but I tend to let my roommate go ahead instead, since I don't reeeeeally have time to play anyways, and it turns out that I really suck at all three. Whoo. >:[
Of course, there were some seriously crappy moments in the past few weeks, like family emergencies and the fact that my car COMPLETELY dies every other time I round a corner (WHAT THE FRICK that's terrifying D8 ), but HEY- the earlier stuff just kind of brought on this wave of happiness that keeps coming, so I'm gonna focus on that instead. Yey.
Basically, tl;dr: Everything Is Coming Up Milhouse. <3