Yesterday was a rather hot day to be dressing in lolita, but nonetheless a bunch of us indulged in karaoke and drinking in celebration of the lovely
vysanthe 's 19 years of being alive. Lots of bogans in the city on a Tuesday night for some reason. I can see why so many girls prefer to hunt in packs as opposed to walking down Adelaide street alone with naught but their pettis to protect them from teh raep. Also, $2 drinks are awesome.
When I got home I found that UQ's website was down due to >9000 students trying to get their grades. I got two 6's, a 5 and a 4 to give me a GPA of 5.25. Not enough if I want to do post-graduate work :/ Still, had more fun watching weird hentai at Matt's than going to my stupid Convergant Journalism class. HAY GAIS THERE'S THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY THAT'S GUNNA SAVE SPERMALISM CALLED TWITTER LOL!
On a related note, today I received my acceptance letter from Stony Brook University, NY. It's weird being referred to as an international student. There's travel advice and information about accessing JFK Airport and FUUUUUUUUUUUU-!! Must remain calm. Must look for a goddamn place to rent >_>