Hmm. Well. I'm done high school, obviously. That was a relief. I got my food handler's certificate with a 96%. That was also a relief.
Jon and I went with my mom to Peterborough on the 13th, to look at apartments. Two landlords didn't even show for our appointments, and one rented the place out on the weekend without notifying us. The one that looked great on the internet turned out to be a dump, and tiny, tiny, tiny. The one we ended up LOVING, the landlord was sketch, and would only take first and last rent in cash. Wouldn't take a certified cheque or money order. Asshole.
So, we're going again on Saturday with Jon's parents to look at 4 or 5 more, I guess. I've been spending a lot of time with Jon and not with my dad, and I feel super guilty and sad about it. I'm moving in 9 days, I guess, if we get an apartment on Saturday (which we most likely will). So I spent yesterday and today, and will be spending tomorrow with my dad, and we got some boxes from various places today, so I can pack. I got about 7 boxes done, but had to stop, because it just made me depressed. I was talking to Jon on the phone about it after and I was pretty much crying. I'm so sad about leaving my dad, I can't even describe it fully. I'm also going to have to give my bird to my friend Chelsea, since he'll be too noisy for an apartment, and that makes me sad too. If I can't take my cat, it will be awful. But, I am really looking forward to living with Jon. I slept alone last night for the first time in weeks and it was terrible, and I can never fall asleep and I get scared when I sleep alone now, and all I think about are terrible things.
My OSAP finally came through, but it's only enough to cover my tuition and supplies, with about $300 or $400 left to spare, probably going to be spent on a semester's worth city bus pass in Peterborough. I am going to have to get a job right away, since Jon's parents are paying half the rent (including our first/last), we have to pay the rest, and utilities/groceries etc., I am unsure about. I'm going to apply at this Cajun/Creole restaurant in Peterborough on Saturday, where we ate last time, it's called Hot Belly Mama's, and it is AMAZING. Spicy and delicious.
The landlord (in Brantford) is here right now, fixing the plumbing in the apartment that is about to be occupied, next to us, and he's SOOO loud. Banging and yelling at his son, it's awful. He had to turn the water off, and it's OUR water too! So, I haven't been able to have a tea or coffee, or shower (and I need to wash my hair badddly), or make soup, or anything. Goddamn it. Goddamn him. I hope this doesn't occur in Peterborough.
I keep having these terrible dreams that I'm pregnant, and I wake up in the morning and I'm scared half to death. It's really unsettling. That's the last thing I want/need. Not that I suspect I am, or even that there's a chance I could be (because there isn't, I'm religious about BCP)... But it just freaks the hell out of me, I wake up and I'm only half awake and still think I've got some terrible Rosemary's Baby-esque pregnancy happening. I don't recommend it.
On another note, I've started a food blog on Wordpress, but I haven't posted in a week or so, mainly because I've been cooking a lot of the same things I've posted. If you want to see it, it's For Jon's birthday, I'm getting him one of those sexy aprons with a woman's/man's perfectly sculpted body, some books and these, which he desperately wants, to make his tootsies soft and smooth again. hahahha. Anyways, that's all. The weather sucks right now. My hair is frizzy.