Testimony - Persecuted at Last

Oct 13, 2009 19:13

Hello, girls. Praise God!

Well, it's finally happened. The signs that God has taken my growth and devotion to a new level have become evident. I'm finally being persecuted!

Before I explain how, let me remind you that in Acts 5:41 the apostles praised the Lord and had much joy after being persecuted for Christ. Persecution is a joy and an honor.

Well, I've still yet to be beaten and specifically told to shut up about Jesus, yet I am being persecuted in some way. Like many college students in dormatories, I have a little dry-erase board on my door for leaving messages. This semester, however, I simply could not refuse the urge to use my board as a medium of worship. Of course, not everyone on my floor is saved and appreciates my messages. They do not understand what it means to say that, "Jesus conquered teh grave." They feel uncomfortable when I write about how I once was a God-hating, self-proclaimed atheith but am now a "JESUS FREAK!" (This message actually got erased my the Residence Director of our dorm ... but I wrote it all back just how it was!) No, the dead on this floor don't get it, which is why our Residence Assistant informed me that some people have complained about my board.

Praise God. I'm getting through to people!


A Servant of God
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