{BLOG CREWS} .hack & ffvii & ffx/x-2 & heartless & sm & tos & tmm

Mar 24, 2006 19:03

Completely revamped for your pleasure. ☆

updated; 2-18-07

.hack ☆
Aura → yuzurenai
Black Rose → roohie
Gardenia → blessedaiko
Mimiru → angel-cake7
Mireille → heartlaced
Mistral → jigglygrlcarrie
Shugo → cloudxsora
Subaru → breyzyyin
Tsukasa → online
Zefie → roxora

.HACK BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">.HACK BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

final fantasy vii ☆
Aerith Gainsborough → aoiryuu
Cait Sith → blessedaiko
Cloud Strife → gamefreakgrl
Hojo → potato-thief
Jenova → stroberimeteor
Kadaj → airiechan
Marlene Wallace → aethevixen
Red XIII / Nanaki → ketchkod1
Reno → breyzyyin
Sephiroth → yuzurenai
Tifa Lockheart → roxora
Vincent Valentine → cloudxsora
Yazoo → kakusareta
Yuffie Kisaragi → heartlaced

FINAL FANTASY VII BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">FINAL FANTASY VII BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

final fantasy x/x-2 ☆
Auron → potato-thief
Baralai → yuzurenai
Jecht → airiechan
Kimahri → kakusareta
Lenne → breyzyyin
Lulu → roxora
Nooj → haryan
Paine → cloudxsora
Rikku → heartlaced
Shuyin → gamefreakgrl
Tidus → ketchkod1
Vegnagun → stroberimeteor
Wakka → angel-cake7
Yuna → aoiryuu
Yunalesca → lunarwolf2002

FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 BLOG CREW/u> ♪☆ {your character here}

heartless ☆
Antisora → cloudxsora
Black Fungus → rikufuu
Blue Rhapsody → stroberimeteor
Crescendo → madblessyou
Darkside → lunarwolf2002
Emerald Blues → blessedaiko
Green Requiem → kakusareta
Icy Cube → airiechan
Invisible → potato-thief
NEO-Shadow → ketchkod1
Rare Truffle → gamefreakgrl
Red Nocturne → jigglygrlcarrie
Shadow → roxora
White Mushroom → heartlaced

HEARTLESS BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">HEARTLESS BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

sailor moon ☆
Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury → gamefreakgrl
Chibi-Chibi / Sailor Chibi Chibi → serisapphie
Chibi-Usa / Sailor Chibi Moon → heartlaced
Haruka Tenou / Sailor Uranus → roohie
Hotaru Tomoe / Sailor Saturn → airiechan
Kakyuu-hime → blessedaiko
Luna → sol3il
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter → madblessyou
Michiru Kaiou / Sailor Neptune → angel-cake7
Minako Aino / Sailor Venus → aoiryuu
Rei Hino / Sailor Mars → potato-thief
Setsuna Meiou / Sailor Pluto → cloudxsora
Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon → roxora

SAILOR MOON BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">SAILOR MOON BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

tales of symphonia ☆
Colette Brunel → heartlaced
Kratos Aurion → lunarwolf2002
Lloyd Irving → k-yamato
Raine Sage → roxora
Sheena Fujibayashi → misterea
Zelos Wilder → aoiryuu

TALES OF SYMPHONIA BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">TALES OF SYMPHONIA BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

tokyo mew mew ☆
Ichigo Momomiya / Mew Ichigo → roxora
Kisshu → online
Minto Aizawa / Mew Minto → angel-cake7
Pai → breyzyyin
Purin Fon / Mew Purin → cloudxsora
Retasu Midorikawa / Mew Retasu → heartlaced
Ryou Shirogane → yuzurenai
Zakuro Fujiwara / Mew Zakuro → oceangirlphine

TOKYO MEW MEW BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}」
http://roxora.livejournal.com/30291.html">TOKYO MEW MEW BLOG CREW ♪☆ {your character here}

public, blog crews