taurenova has put together this community.
Text taken from
taurenova's post.
Those of us who live in the UK are well aware of Comic Relief - the evening that brings together some of Britain's best comedians in an effort to raise charity funds. Funds that are spent here in the UK as well as Africa. And they do make a difference.
This year I propose we take the effort global and enlist some of online Fandom's best comedians to help raise funds.
Join me at
fancomicrelief on March 16th (and the following week) and bring your best sense of humour. I want your funniest stories, fanart, fanvids, icons and anything else you can think up. Be it gen, het, slash or femmeslash. Or just bring yourself and encourage all those (including myself) that are participating.
Guidelines can be found in the User Info
here and the sign-up post is
here. I stress that this is a self-challenge and no-one is going to hate you if you don't manage to come through.
Even if you don't decide to participate please promote this wherever you think it will be well received - the more fandoms the merrier. Hell, the more people the merrier.
The theme for this is 'Heal the World'.
Check it out = )