Player Information
Name: Nadia
Age: 31
AIM SN: For the sake of my not getting spammed, it's the first part of my email below
email: ladynadiad at gmail dot com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yeah, this is a second game for me actually
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Heard about it via friends, anontalk and finally got talked into it via ATP
Character Information
Canon Source: Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Canon Format: Video game
Character's Name: Lillia
Character's Age: no age is given in canon, would estimate about 15-16
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take? It will appear like the now powerless Light Stone. Basically that looks like a small crystal that would fit in the palm of her hand and is a pale yellow color. It has a golden band around the middle of it.
Character's Canon Abilities:
Lillia has very few canon abilities, but one of her major ones is that she is a "friend of the spirits" which basically means that in canon, she basically becomes the most sought after person by the bad guys because she is one who can release the seal on the ark that seals the Lord of the Black Abyss. Her life also can be used to seal him away again. However, at the time she is taken from, this power is gone since the spirits have left the world, not that it was of much use beyond making her a villain magnet.
She is also a skilled singer and can play a very unusual instrument called an ortena. The ortena is hard to describe really so have a
link to the opening that starts off with her playing it. Her music is very soothing and calming even to the deimos who tend to think only of battle.
She also does have basic first aid skills. Nothing magical or anything, just mundane knowledge of how to treat wounds. She was able to treat Darc's wounds after he was attacked by Delma and if Lillia had not been there, it is very likely he would have died.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Since Lillia is completely lacking in anything superhuman in the timeframe she's taken from, she will gain the dormant ability to heal with a touch. Minor injuries such as cuts and scrapes would close completely, more serious injuries would be more difficult, but she would be able to speed the process greatly. If she tries to heal something serious, she risks growing very tired if not falling unconscious and not waking for hours as she is basically channeling her own life energy into the person to aid them. It is not nearly as effective against diseases, but she can provide some limited comfort and relief from pain.
A wound that is mortal cannot be healed by her, but she can help ease the pain the person is feeling or possibly give them enough time to get aid that can heal it. Also the risks for using this increase if she is ill or injured. If her illness or injury is serious, she risks death.
To activate it, she would have to touch what is injured or hurts and think strongly about how much she wants the person to get better. She would have to be able to concentrate fully only on the person and skin to skin contact is required. This ability will not work on herself at all.
Weapons: No weapons, Lillia cannot fight at all and would not wish to. She's good at running and hiding at least? Okay, not really, but yeah, that's how she will defend herself if no one is around to protect her, running and hiding.
Character History: Lillia was born in a small village among people who guarded the Light Stone. Her life was normal enough and she had parents who cared about her until one day when the village was attacked and many people died.
Her parents took her and the stone and fled to go into hiding. Lillia's father, Samson, left to get revenge on those who attacked and became a thief who steals only from the Dilzweld Empire, leaving Lillia and her mother, Fiona, alone.
Lillia's mother eventually died and left the girl alone to protect the Light Stone and she kept on hiding until she had to run to let the World Alliance know that Dilzweld was after the Great Spirit Stones and conquest on the world. She obtained a small airship to do this.
Unfortunately, it did not go as well as she had hoped, her ship was shot down and crashed in Dragon Bone Valley on the continent of Ragnoth. Luckily for her, the residents of Yewbell, the human village on that continent, heard about the crash and a small rescue party was sent. This was how she met Kharg and his friends.
Still, even rescued, she was being hunted by Dilzweld. She begged and pleaded to Kharg to just let her give herself up to Dilzweld so she did not endanger those of Yewbell, but he and his mother, Lady Nafia, would not hear of such a thing. Kharg and his friends were asked to serve as her escort to Cathena.
They repaired her airship and headed in that direction, only to be shot down by Dilzweld airships and crash in Asheeda Forest. Lillia again felt she was putting Kharg into too much danger and fled the airship after it crashed in hopes that she would be found by Dilzweld. She was nearly found, but ended up getting herself to a secluded lake in the area of the forest. She hid and hoped for the best, hoped that she would not be found by anyone seeking her out.
Instead she was found by a completely different group, a group of deimos. Darc and his group happened upon her, but Darc ended up getting attacked by one of his own allies and abandoned for dead. Lillia remained behind to treat his wounds and he took her hostage and brought her to Orcoth.
That lasted until Dilzweld tracked her to Orcoth and attacked the town and took her away. Darc tried to pursue and did track her to the airship they were using to take her away. He was able to board it.
And there he did find Lillia, and also his mother, Lady Nafia who he had never met before. He tried to help Lillia escape and was forced to assist his mother also. He hadn't wanted to do it, but Lillia insisted that she would not go if he didn't help Nafia. Unfortunately, this did not go well and Nafia took a bullet to save her son. She lived just long enough to return to Yewbell and tell Darc and Lillia to go to the Cave of Truth.
They left for Cragh Island which was home to this cave and was also a very rare place not touched by war, a place where the deimos and humans lived in peace with each other in the same town. After speaking with the villagers and the Slothian Elders, they left for the cave and were eventually joined by Kharg and Samson.
There they found out for the first time the truth about the Divine Ruler and the Lord of the Black Abyss. This was something that as far as they were all concerned was a fairy tale pretty much. Tales told to children mostly. They were told that negative emotions, such as the hatred between humans and deimos would only serve to resurrect the Lord of the Black Abyss.
Darc took this to mean that the humans needed to be exterminated, Kharg took it in a similar way, but with the deimos. Lillia tried to talk sense into them, but it didn't work very well. They returned to the village to spend the night and Lillia was captured again by Dilzweld.
Then Emperor Darkham used her power along with that of the five Great Spirit Stones to remove the seal on the Flying Castle where the ark was held. The Divine Ruler revealed himself to them after Darkham died and took Lillia to the Flying Castle.
And yet again poor Lillia becomes a victim. The Divine Ruler uses the power of darkness to turn her into a puppet so she will break the seal on the ark. And then when the party arrives he sends all of them to the shadow world. Once they finally evade his traps they are given the choice to fight him and kill Lillia in the process, or to die.
Lillia would have pleaded with them that her life didn't matter most likely, but she was unconscious. The party defeated him and Lillia vanished.
However, right as she was about to die, she was saved by the Hero and Holy Mother of the long past, Arc and Kukuru from the first and second games. They told her everything and brought her back so they could all face the Lord of the Black Abyss and seal him once more.
Evil bad guy fights the party, he is defeated. Of course he must boast that he cannot die and Lillia steps forward to give her life so he can be sealed once more within the ark.
But then the spirits appear and say that they will leave the world so that the Lord of the Black Abyss will no longer have power and cannot be resurrected. He vanishes, and so do the spirits. Lillia gets to remain alive and is free at last since all those who wished to imprison her are now gone.
They return to Cragh Island for a short time before everyone ends up going their own separate ways.
Point in Canon: post game, but before the epilogue, while she's on Cragh Island with the others still.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A, this is the first time I'm playing her.
Character Personality:
Lillia is basically one of the most kind-hearted people that exists. She is the rare person who has been through a lot of pain and suffering and instead of turning into someone bitter and hateful, she instead wants to make sure no one else needs to suffer in any way.
She cannot bear to see anyone hurt or killed, and she is very likely to sacrifice herself to save others. This trait unfortunately led to her being taken hostage often and cliche threats to the heroes that she'd die if they wouldn't give up the Great Spirit Stones. Basically she spends about 90% of the game after the party meets her on the run, captured, etc.
She also can see beyond someone's external appearance and still help them if they are in need. When Darc was nearly killed by one of his allies and she had a chance to run and save herself, she instead stayed back and treated his wounds, and ended up captured by him.
But yet, even when she's imprisoned or on the run, she's only going to care about making others happy. Even while in a dungeon in Orcoth, all she wanted was to make the Orcon smile if she could. She didn't care that they were deimos, they were still people to her. Even considering how shallowly Darc treated her, she still treated him with kindness and respect because to her he was a person. She was even respectful to Emperor Darkholm who captured her and wanted to use her for his own greed and wish for power.
So overall, she's the type of person who is truly completely selfless and kindhearted. To her it means nothing if she remains alive if people end up suffering because of that. She'd rather be in a dungeon than to see even one person get hurt so she can be free. She's a very rare type of person indeed.
Of course this sort of personality does have a very serious drawback. She's too trusting and too naive. She thinks the best of everyone and this puts her in danger a lot. She is so selfless that she will be taken advantage of often. She also can't defend herself and wouldn't even want to, so she will very likely end up getting hurt by someone.
Also, just because she is very sweet does not mean she is a complete doormat too. She'll definitely show some spunk if two people start fighting and try to stop them. She had to do this with Darc and Kharg quite often because even if they were brothers, they sure did love to fight each other. Still, she can be persuasive or else just make them feel like naughty children being scolded by their mother.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: All she wants to do is help people. So she will find a job that will do just that and spend all her time helping people in any way that she can even outside of an actual job.
And also she will try to talk people out of wanton and needless violence and likely get herself into trouble and/or kidnapped a few times and probably drive anyone who cares about her safety crazy with her tendency to get into trouble and get taken advantage of. At least her player can joke about this fault of hers?
Here Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[Sounds of footsteps looking around.] Words painted on the walls? [Silence for a time, the laugher.] Some of that sounds like things Darc would say. But what is this place?
[More footsteps, slower this time, then the sound of something dropping on the ground.] What's this? [Looking curiously into the device.] Strange, how do I have this? It should be gone now with the spirits. [A finger touches the device, but nothing more is said.]
Third Person Sample