rather bored

Sep 02, 2005 14:38

-- Name: Joe
-- Birthday: 19th Feb
-- Birthplace: Liverpool
-- Current Location: my couch
-- Eye color: brown or green depending on the light
-- Hair color: Brown
-- Height: 6 foot ish
-- Righty or Lefty: Right
-- Zodiac sign: Aquarius

-- Shoes you wore today: wrecked addias
-- Your weakness: BOOZE!!!!
-- Your fears: goin to work
-- Goal you’d like to achieve: gettin more gigs for oddity

-- Most overused phrase: pint please
-- First thought when waking up: have i got time to go back to sleep
-- Best physical feature: dont have one
-- Bedtime: i wish

LAYER FOUR (do you)
-- Smoke: yep
-- Curse: i would never swear
-- Sing: badly
-- Shower: yes
-- Crush: crush what?????
-- Think you’ve been in love: yeah
-- Like high school: did anyone
-- Want to get married: maybe
-- Think you’re attractive: nah

LAYER SIX (in the past month have you)
-- Drank alcohol: yep
-- Smoked: yep
-- Done drugs: yep
-- Had sex: nope
-- Made out: Yep
-- Gone to the mall: do we have malls???
-- Been on stage: yeah
-- Made homemade cookies: nah
-- Gone skinny dipping: i wish i had
-- Dyed your hair: nah

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: of course
-- If so, was it mixed company: yeah what would be the fun if it wasnt
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: last night
-- Been caught "doing something": yeah
-- Been called a tease: dunno
-- Gotten beaten up: yep
-- Shoplifted: yep
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no

-- Age you hope to be married: dunno
-- Number of children: 3
-- Dream Wedding: i quite one
-- How do you want to die: i don't want to die
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a train driver

-- Last car ride: to the bank
-- Last kiss: last week
-- Last good cry: dunno
-- Last book read: trainspotting
-- Last crush: can't say
-- Last phone call: latchy last night
-- Last time showered: im gonna in a bit
-- Last cd played: kasabian
-- Last song downloaded: i don't download i believe in buying music
-- Last annoyance: some twat in the k
-- Last disappointment: waking up at nine
-- Last soda drink: dunno
-- Last sleep: this morning
-- Last IM:
-- Last time wanting to die: the other day when i couldnt sleep
-- Last time hugged: some bird last night
-- Last time you were slapped in the ass: last night
-- Last lipstick used: thtas just silly
-- Last time someone made you cry? years ago
-- Last time someone wrote something sweet to you: years ago
-- Last time someone wrote you a funny note: have no idea
-- Last time dancing: last night well it was more staggering
-- Last show attended: audioslave
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