Has Anyone Seen My Leotard? And Tap Dancing Shoes?
Because I don't know where they aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare! And the party's tonight, the party's tonight, and I've got a soooooolo~ This is bad, this is very very very very bad!
Kristoph? Godot? I hate asking you for favours, but could you do one eency-weency little one for me? Can you help meeeee find my
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I NEED MY LEOTARD for my tap dancing, of course!
...And I kind of alsoneedhelp for the sparkles on my jacket! It needs to be gold too, not that horrid -- ew, fake bloodstain -- dull black! How'm I going to stand out if I don't have sparkles?
... Akabane, what are the odds I can come lie down in the Infirmary for a while?
Infirmary? ...You'd have to talk to Godot about that. *frowns* He's the caretaker, he has to be more responsible with the guests! While I can stay by my Nanao-love's siiiiiiiiiiide~
((ooc: No help from Akabane, at the moment. Columbia is here to staaaaaaaaaay ahem.))
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