Jun 14, 2013 20:12
It's Friday!! Which means I can do NOTHING the next two days and be a total bum. Talk about being out of it the entire week. I really don't want the problem was with me this week but I could not wait for it to end. It's definitely had it's interesting points but overall it's been pretty blah and slightly pathetic (in the sense that I did nothing but watch audition clips on youtube when I got home from work -_-). I'm currently obsessing over Ella Henderson and continue to love Rachel Crow.
So I deviated a bit on my weight loss this week by eating things I shouldn't have but I've stuck to my no eating after 6:00 in the afternoon and for the most part ate rather healthy this week. I find that giving up carbonated drinks and drinking more water is going to be my BIGGEST challenge once I can conquer that I have a feeling the pounds will come off a bit better. I'm currently 254 lbs (I specifically bought a scale to document my progress) and I guessed pretty accurately when I said to myself that I had probably gained 10 pounds a few weeks ago. I know weight isn't the best weight to determine weight loss since there are other factors that determine your physical appearance like muscle mass and the amount of water your body retains. I should probably buy a measuring tape for more accuracy.
Earlier this week I had started talking to someone I met online. It was pretty good to start off we had a few things to talk about and they could keep conversation going but I just couldn't get past my feeling that something was a bit amiss with this man. I'm not saying he is bad but my biggest concern with him was the age difference.... when I started talking to him I had read that he was 34 which I was totally fine with because 10 years really is the max I could deal with age wise (I am 24 ). Now when we started talking we asked pretty general questions that you usually ask when you're meeting someone so when he asked how old I was I told him my age and asked right back... he's actually 37 going on 38. Ok why lie about your age on the site? It's there for a reason but I continued with the conversation because you never know he might actually be someone I would date (forever optimistic). The second time we talked what did he bring up? That's right cuddling. As in I should spend the night and cuddle but no hanky panky would go one *bashes head against wall repeatedly*. I had to laugh because I specially forbid this word in my profile (not literally but I mention my dislike for it) and HE DOES IT!!! At this point my interest went from being to somewhere in the middle to non-existent.*sigh*
This week was also the first time I locked my keys inside my car after I got home from my training.... at 6:30pm.... when the office at my apt is closed. FML. I had no way to get into my apt or car so I was going to call a locksmith to help with this ordeal but I decided to try my luck with my apt since I have spares in there. I have a pretty large window at my apt and I prayed that one of the them wasn't locked I lucky enough to find that not only one but two of them were unlocked (although I was also pretty concerned at my lack of safety when comes to locking them) so I climbed into my apt and used my spare keys to open my car. Disaster was officially averted.
Dreams are definitely something I remember pretty vividly most nights or mornings when I'm waking up and this week was no different. I've been having a re-occuring dream of a specific person that I had not thought of in a while and I've been dreaming him quite a bit this year and I have no clue why. He's someone who I was in love with in high school (unrequited love) and was able to get over him my freshman year in college. This past year I've been dreaming him a lot for NO APPARENT REASON. I mean come on brain what the hell are you trying to tell me. Not only am I dreaming about him quite a bit but I've been dreaming about tornadoes as well. Tornadoes are usual for me though but it had been a while since I had dreamt of them this year. I'm thinking I should write about my dreams in the mornings just so can analyze them for fun and maybe some insight into my noggin.
weight loss,
dream journal,
cuddling should die,
my life,