Jun 29, 2012 20:38
Had a mixed week.
A girl at work seems to have developed a problem with me, and I don't understand why.
I work in a clothes shop, which involves a lot of standing, and lifting, which has become an issue for me due to my back problems.
Because of this, I spend about half of my shift on the upstairs till, where I have a chair and can sit down.
We have security cameras in the shop, and when it's quiet upstairs I check the monitor to see how busy it is downstairs.
I'm a supervisor, so part of my job is making sure other people are doing there jobs, right?
One girl accused me of spying on her yesterday, and kicked off about how much extra work she has to do now that I do "nothing."
I had to call her and ask her to serve customers, because there was a queue and she was standing with her back to customers hanging clothes at the fitting rooms.
Yeah, it's part of the job, but customers are the priority.
She stormed upstairs and shouted at me, insisting I should check the cameras to see that she had been working.
I told her I wasn't discussing this, and she needed to go back downstairs and get on with her work.
Fucking fuming.
Not sure what to do about it.
She has a real attitude problem, and I'm sick of dealing with it.