Website promotes bullying as being good for autistic kids

Oct 16, 2015 09:55

A website called "Autism Daily Newscast" has printed a piece by an ABA therapist about the supposed "perks" of being bullied for autistic kids. Here is the article, but I've used "Do not link" because I don't want to improve the website's traffic count.

The "perks" listed include "Promoting autism-friendly programs." Apparently if an autistic child in your school is bullied, this is an opportunity to promote autism-friendly programs in the school. Shouldn't schools have those without waiting for kids to be bullied?

"More friendships". Somehow being bullied helps you make friends?

"Improves skills." Yes, your kid being bullied will help them increase their verbal ability when they talk about the bullying, and they will learn to read the bully's body language while they're being beat up.

Other perks include "overall well-being" and "increased self-esteem."

I don't know what planet the writer lives on, but I got none of those things from being bullied.

people: karen kabaki-sisto, abuse, ablism, conditions: autistic spectrum

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