Jun 12, 2011 01:19
Hi, I have LJ friended or chatted with many of you here and there. I am 57 years old, married and a retired nurse. I have 3 adult children and am looking forward to my first grandchild this fall. I have a variety of orthopedic challenges (spinal stenosis and fusion, bad hip and IT band issues on right, various peripheral nerve issues) that together keep me in various states of pain and fatigue. I'm only recently realizing just how much I compensate constantly to keep doing what I like to do. I mentioned I am retired, that just happened this year. I decided to just retire after I had to repeat a recent foot surgery. I don't know if I will stay retired but for the moment I am quite enjoying it. That said, I think I'm a pretty active and happy person. I have a lovely garden and belong to a sailing club. I swim and do arthritis exercises in water. I very much enjoy my laptop. I have good friends, neighbors and loving family.
Pleased to meet you all a bit more formally.