
Feb 22, 2013 11:25

Here in Britain, people don't get polio any more. This wasn't always so - there are people in this comm whose close relatives were disabled by polio - but now, children are routinely vaccinated. It must be about 42 years since my own polio jab, except that I don't remember it being a jab! I remember being given a sugar lump on a spoon. Very exciting for a little child.

Anyway, did you know that the World Health Organization has been running the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) since 1988? Did you know that polio cases are down by 99% worldwide, and eradication is a real possibility? If you didn't know those things, well, nor did I. Here's the current issue of the GPEI newsletter, Polio News.

Polio vaccination is one of the reasons why we might be excited about microneedles. Apparently a vax-patch could be applied to kids' skin, easily transported to remote places, needing no fridge and causing no pain.

vaccine, conditions: polio

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