Oct 28, 2012 00:08
Just a bit about me.
I have 3 types of arthritis as well as degenerative discs, ibd, optic neuritis, chronic pain syndrome and 3 circulatory things though 2 are types of raynaurds. The ibd has predominantly gone after the oesophagus for some reason though there is a bit of lower damage as well. 2 of the oesophagus bits means I have to have regular endo's and well those I do hate lol.
I am lucky though that i have had the bones and the ibd most my life so have got well used to them and although I do use the ostrich technique a lot I also try not to let it get to me too much but on a bad day.....
I dropped off the real world about 16 years ago now and have been rubbing along with a motley bunch of reprobate rescued animals ever since lol. It helps to have commitments that make you get out of bed on a bad day and its great on a good one, lol.
Have a fair degree of eternal intervention vis the pain clinic and am kinda hoping they will do a bit of surgery on my back again though they have said its very unlikely. The rest of the pain is helped with by tablets and a lot of self help via the meditation, distraction and staying a s positive as possible.
Well that's me and will look forward to meeting you all. Stay warm and take care Cris
conditions: circulatory,
conditions: skeletal,
positive thinking,
conditions: inflammatory bowel disease,
conditions: chronic pain,
conditions: optic neuritis,
conditions: raynaud's syndrome,
conditions: arthritis,