Because you take me dancin'.

May 03, 2007 18:56


For the month of MAY:
DVD to watch: Ummm idk.
Movie to see: I srsly haven't seen any movies for months now. :(
Celeb to crush on: I really hope Jake Gyllenhaal is Toothy Tile. :(
Music to hear: Missy's new album, Expatriate's new album. The Panics. Bright Eyes' Cassadaga.
Book to read: My book-reading is going dismally.
LJer to ♥: eclipses
Commit to this: Getting back on track.
Tune to jive to: Expatriate's Are You Awake?

Work's been stupid this week, I've been in a really pissy mood. Constant headaches and disillusionment. Thankfully it's a short week for me both this week and next week. My sunburn's gone down, too. It's still a bit red and it's kind of itchy but I can actually wear clothes over it now and not want to rip them off, screaming in pain. Oh, life!

So anyway, down to Melbourne this weekend to see Something for Kate on Saturday and Sunday nights, and just hang out for the rest of the time. Flying in at 8:40am tomorrow morning, flying out at 9:15pm Monday night. Sam, Anna? Pip? Hit me up, yeah? I'd like to see you guys. (I have it on pretty good authority that there's no hope of avoiding Evan, Trev, Mel, Manz, Jenn and James, so I will not bother mentioning them. Oh. Except for here, hiding in the brackets.)

THE END! I haven't packed yet ajkflajdh.

for the month of:

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